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  • 家园号:157404
  • 姓名:刘高辉 [山东 ]
  • 设计师类型:室内设计师
  • 查看详细资料


<<  4 April 2024  >>
伦敦LV×草间弥生店室内设计赏析  [转载]
草间弥生——这个名字足以激起三组鲜明对比情感:一方面轻蔑与欣赏,一方面排斥与吸引,一方面则疑惑与沉迷。这种超越真实的迷人气质,准确刺激到品牌G点,于是这位83岁高龄的日本婆婆,成为最炙手可热的跨界明星,用性感的波点为品牌带来不可思议的创作灵感。   此次路易威登发布的两支视频,正是对草间弥生气质的精彩演绎,两支视频由著名的时尚博主Bip Ling出演,虽然看似情节一致,实际上却有5处细节上的不同,通过充满悬念的铺垫,路易威登鼓励人们在twitter中发布相关话题找出不同点。   实际上,这两支视频仅仅是草间弥生与LV合作的冰川一角,时装、互动网站、APP应用、线下展览……多种多样的元素交织,以草间弥生的方式呈现,路易威登营造了一个异常绚烂又怪诞的跨界Campaign,下面不妨让我们一......

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阿姆斯特丹Amstel Campus by OIII Architects  [原创]

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澳大利亚Rozelle Terrace House  [原创]

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Radisson Hotel Lobby by Tanju Özelg  [转载]
Tanju Özelgin designed the lobby for the Radisson Airport Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey. Due to its proximity to the international airport, business and fair centres, the Radisson-SAS is labelled as a “Business Hotel”. To satisfy business hotel requirements, the renovation project of Radisson Sas Hotel lobby aims to establish the relation betw......

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建筑师杰克逊克莱门茨巴罗斯---- 亨利街住宅  [转载]
Barwon Heads is in a period of significant change. Heritage overlays currently protect older fishing shacks whilst the less significant built fabric remaining in the seaside town is progressively being redeveloped and architecture is now significantly contributing to the evolution of this small coastal township. In this case a young family engaged JCB to des......

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Silk Road by Karim Rashid  [转载]
Karim Rashid designed the Silk Road restaurant inside the Vdara Hotel in Las Vegas. Deion from Karim Rashid: Silk Road is an elaborate multi-cultural vision where Mediterranean Spice & Trade Market encounters the plush & intimate opulence of the Merchant Route. Silk Road’s seductive bar invites one to lounge in its sculptural fiberglass sea......

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